Service plans can help you budget for your car’s servicing requirements. Instead of paying for your Fiat service in one lump sum, they allow you to spread the cost over a period of time, like you may already do with normal household bills.
The Fiat service plans are very flexible and the cost will depend on how many services you want the plan to cover and your anticipated annual mileage. The plans are eligible for all models of Fiat and include all the parts and labour cost associated with servicing your Fiat in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, enabling your service book to be stamped. In addition to the standard service intervals, Service Plans are also available for low mileage users.
There are many advantages to be had by taking out a Fiat Service plan such as:
If your Fiat is between 3 and 5 years old, then consider our Service Plans designed for vehicles of this age from £16.99 a month.